sewage disposal management ordinance program

I’m learning a lot about buying property.  Beyond securing funds, discussing realtor things with realtors, and having the owner accept our offer, we learned that a sewage inspection is required before transfer of the property.

In Fall 2006 Pennsylvania’s Peach Bottom Township adopted an on-lot sewage disposal system management program in accordance with the guidelines established by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.  A mandatory program, the general overview is that homeowners with on-lot sewage disposal systems must have an inspection and removal of accumulated solids every five years.  After a little research, I learned that most houses should have their on-lot sewage disposal system pumped over one to two years.   Our little cabin is not our daily residence so the five year system should be sufficient.  You can learn all the specific details on Peach Bottom Township’s website.

Septic Tank

IT MUST GO SOMEWHERE: After several minutes of discovery, the septic tank was located and opened.After several minutes of trying to locate the 500 gallon cement septic tank, Michelle (from Peach Bottom Township) and Mike (from Miller & Sons) got to work at inspecting the level within the tank, adding liquid, checking the drain field for output, and emptying out the solid waste.

After several minutes of trying to locate the 500 gallon cement septic tank, Michelle (from Peach Bottom Township) and Mike (from Miller & Sons) got to work at inspecting the level within the tank, adding liquid, checking the drain field for output, and emptying out the solid waste.

I got a very nice lesson from Michelle, including on-site hand drawn images, about how my sewage system works.    Although some of the character is lost over the internet, if you’re dying to know, check out this information sheet.  Because the hard to locate “top” of our tank is below grade (i.e. it’s below the level of the yard) she recommended we have MIke come back and install a collar to avoid having water wash into the tank.

There were no apparent streams of liquid from the drain field and after a quick check from inside the cabin that liquid was going into the septic tank, Michelle snapped some photos from within the tank (yes, within), confirmed there were no issues, replaced the top, handed me a paper to sign, and we are one step closer to getting those keys in our hot hands.

someone’s getting a cute cabin

Cabin 1.30.12

I only have Roy the anonymous craigslist poster who had a stream-front piece of property that lured me to the banks of Muddy Creek in Peach Bottom Township, PA to thank. Upon arrival I sent a one word text to home: Trouble.

I could spend time leading the reader into an intriguing story of mystery about the properties I went to visit but let’s just be frank: it was a bust. But in a surprise twist, Zillow led Mary and I to a one-room log cabin perched on a deep green cliff overlooking the stream. In an instant, I took the first step towards realizing my dream of owning a cabin.

Cabin 1.30.12

THE CABIN: Built in 1963, we are looking forward to calling this one room log cabin OURS

I’d like to tell you the realtor’s description said it all, but it really didn’t: “Rustic Log Cabin in the Woods Overlooking Trout Stream in the Trails- Private, Peaceful and Quiet Setting is Excellent for the Nature Lover, or Someone looking to Escape the Hustle and Bustle of the Big City – Log Cabin: 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, Living Room w/Stone Fireplace, Kitchen Area, Wrap-Around Decking,.7308 Acre, 500 Gal Concrete Septic Tank, More – Sold AS-IS – Update and Enjoy!!!”

Text massage

Text message home: Janeé's response to the photos Mary & I texted to her after finding the cabin.

It left out “you’ll fall in love.”

I’d finally found Janeé that piece of water she’d been waiting for.